
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Grading Scale: A Persisting Problem Among Students Essay -- Education,

Entering the schoolroom, sheets of white typing paper printed knocked out(p) sitting on the desks starting the day off with the notification of the classroom category thunder mug be a frightening thought. The eighteen stratum old, tall, and slender girl slides into her desk and prepares herself for what the paper holds for her future report card. Verbally, the instructor signals to make over the piece of paper and look at semester grades. As the cover are being flipped, all at once negative cries birdcall out. This can not be right in that location is something wrong why are in that respect grades missing? Why is this not an A? As Aquilino states, Its not like they should get something they didnt earn (Roth 1). The teacher telling the scholars to settle rarify and sit in their seats softly soars across the room. Worried faces, teary eyes, and trembling hands are seen in every scholar of the class. As the teacher thinks, who can really be blamed for a lower lett er grade than wanted? There is only one answer, the student themselves. It is natural to slip once in a while in the classroom, but the grades permanently recorded on a grade point average never change. Since getting a bad grade can disappoint anyone, thither are ways to solve this bother. As a senior these grades may have an carry on on college, but in all ages the grading scale can be a problem. Whether it be the arouse of a student, or the student themselves worrying about a grade in a class, there is a fix. Since much oftentimes than not, a student or parent has a problem with a student grade, however there is more than one solution for resolving power this grade dilemma.Nevertheless when dealing with dissatisfied grades, parents get involved. When it comes down to dealing with a final grade, the decision is betw... ... expect where students are carefree at times during school hours, but when it comes down to knowing the grading scales one must focus. There are so lutions to solving problems that are sometimes fought between a teacher and a student and even between a teacher and parent. Extra credit, grading on a curve, college credits, and changing all scales to be equal are a few possible solutions to these problems. All problems in life have solutions, sometimes more than one. As shown through this paper, problems should not be stressed about, quite an looked at by ways it can be improved upon. rank scales can vary from class to class, but why worry when there are solutions to making students more educated rather than worrisome. Since more often than not a student or parent has a problem with a student grade there is possible solutions for solving this grade dilemma.

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