
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Transition to a New Cultural Environment

Information on Culture Introduction of Information At some point in life people experience a culture as an outsider by moving from one culture to another. In the world today there are so many different cultures and not one of them is found to be the same. Instead they all have something that makes them unique, whether its language or even the clothes they wear and their behavior as well. The differences they have is what separates them from one another and who ever joins that culture must get accustomed to their way of life. For example, today there are many people immigrating to the United States to start a new and better life. What they soon begin to realize is that it’s a whole new world out there and in order to survive they have to get accustomed to the new way of life which is much different from their lives before. Background and Significance of the Problem According to Dewiel (2005), the idea of culture has changed over the years. He states that the history of culture is as followed, Although today we think of the peoples of the world throughout history in terms of their cultures, the idea of culture is a relatively recent idea. Before modernity began in about the 17th and 18th centuries, people in Europe saw themselves not as participants in various cultures but as members of competing religions. With the secularizing trends of early modernity, social scientific ideas began to replace religious terms in the self-understanding of Europeans. (para. 4) Statement of the Problem Adjusting to a different culture can be difficult for just about anyone. What is necessary for one to feel at home in a new culture? Many cultural barriers must be addressed before a person can feel at home with a new culture. Many steps can be taken to help with the differences a person my experience in a different culture. Purpose The purpose of this paper is to inform the reader of different step in which can be taken to help one feel at home in a new culture. Many actions can be taken to help ease the transition to a cultural environment. Definition of Terms â€Å"Culture comprises the values, beliefs, and norms that are shared by a group of people, such as a racial or ethnic minority. Culture influences how people think about, act on, and see the world. † (Ramirez & Soto, 2006, para. 2) Preview Around the world people poses all different kinds of culture. How do we as outsiders become a part of the people and become a welcome member of different cultures? The writer will explain different methods of adapting to a new culture. These steps could be taken to make one feel at home with a different culture. How to Accustom to New Culture Understanding History Behind every culture lies a history. A person must ask themselves why the people of this culture follow their beliefs, customs, and poses certain values. For a person to truly find out the real history behind a culture, a person must ask the people of the culture. It’s the only way to find the true history. Once a person understands the history of a culture, they can begin to practice the same customs the culture already practices. Benefits Discovering the history can be very beneficial. Knowing the history of a culture means knowing where the culture came from. This could result in the people of the culture to accepting a person as one of their own. This will definitely better chances of making the culture feel like home. Summary If a person wants to feel at home in a new culture, they must first do some research first. Researching the history behind a culture with help a person better adapt to a culture. This will also help people within the culture accept you as one of them because you know the roots of the culture. Learning the Language Another method to adapting to a new culture is learning their language. This will help a person connect better with the people of the culture. Although people may be able to speak the same language they could understand or interpret words differently, because the same words may mean different things to various persons. That is why it’s essential for a person to learn the cultures’ language and how they interpret words. A person must have patience when learning a new language. It is very important for one not to get down on their selves for the simple fact that this could discourage the learning process. It takes everyone some time to adjust and become comfortable with a new language. A person should begin to learn a few common words or phrases. Results Leaning the language will connect a person to the people of a different culture. This gives a person the ability to socialize with the people of a culture. The people will also be able to get to know and understand this new outsider and it would be greatly appreciated by them. Summary Adjusting to a new culture can be difficult as well as frustrating. It’s important to have patience thought the process of adapting to a new culture. Leaning the language of a culture could ultimately bring you closer to the people of the culture. Therefore, it is essential to the process of making the new culture feel like home. Find similarities Lastly, the writer believes if a person tries to find things that are similar to their own culture, then the transition would not be so difficult. For example, similar foods that the new culture eats that is similar to the culture a person came from could definitely make someone feel at home. Food is comfort, and as a result, it’s a good idea to stick with what is familiar and stay open to adapting new foods. Music could also be a get similarity between two different cultures. Hearing music that reminds a person of where they came from makes it easier to accepting a new culture. Result Finding similarities helps a person accept a different culture. It makes someone feel at home with a new culture. A person could discover that their two cultures could possibly have a lot in common. Summary Adapting to a new culture can be very difficult and at times, frustrating. Finding similarities between a persons’ current culture and a new one could help make the new culture feel like home. It is necessary for a person to figure out what the enjoyed best from their culture and compare this to the new culture. Conclusions and Recommendations Furthermore, many steps should be taken in order for a person to feel at home in a new culture. Understanding and becoming a part of a new culture can be very difficult and frustrating at times. First of all, the writer feels it is essential for the person to do some research and find out the history behind the new culture. This will give the person a better understanding of why the people of the new culture practice certain customs and traditions. Another necessity includes learning the language of the culture. Even if this culture speaks the same language, words might be interpreted differently. This could help a person better connect with the people of a different culture. Last step the writer feels is necessary when adapting to a new culture is finding similarities between cultures. Doing this could definitely make a person feel at home in a new culture. All steps should be carefully considered when entering a new culture. References Dewiel, B. (2005). Cultural Diversity. In R. P. Carlisle (Ed. )Encyclopedia of Politics, 1(pp. 115-117) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Reference Retrieved March 12, 2009, from Gale Virtual Reference Library via Gale: http://go. galegroup. com. prx-01. lirn. et/ps/start. do? p=GVRL&u=lirn_main Ramirez, S. Z. & Soto, J. (2006). Cultural Barriers. In Y. Jackson (Ed. )Encyclopedia of Multicultural Psychology, (pp. 127-129) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Reference Retrieved March 12, 2009, from Gale Virtual Reference Library via Gale: http://go. galegroup. com. prx-01. lirn. net/ps/start. do? p=GVRL&u=lirn_mainBerens, L. V. , Cooper, S. A. , Ernst, L. K. , Marti n, C. R. , Myers, S. , Nardi, D. , et al. (2001). Quick guide to the 16 personality types in organizations: Understanding personality differences in the workplace. Huntington Beach, CA: Telos.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

An Exploration of a Needs Orientated Approach to Care Planning Essay

The purpose of this assignment is to explore a needs orientated approach to care planning, through the use of a problem solving approach to care, and a nursing model. It aims to show an understanding of what both a problem solving approach to care, and a nursing model are; and to establish how various key elements of both are implemented in practice. The following citation by the Department of Health (DH) (2009) identifies what is intended by the process of care planning; Personalised care planning is essentially about addressing an individual’s full range of needs, taking into account their health, personal, social, economic, educational, mental health, ethnic and cultural background and circumstances. In order for the care planning process to be effective the need for both a problem solving approach to care and a nursing model is fundamental. The problem solving approach which will be discussed within this assignment follows the format of Assess, Plan, Implementation and Evaluation (often referred to as APIE) developed by theorists; Yura and Walsh in 1967. APIE offers a structured, systematic approach to nursing practice through the use of the methodical care planning stages highlighted above (Barrett et al, 2009). Nevertheless, broad literature research suggests that this process lacked effectiveness in meeting the holistic needs of the individual and so, the process was adapted to include two further stages known as; Systematic Nursing Diagnosis and Recheck to produce the acronym ASPIRE (REF). However, these amended stages will not be discussed widely within this assignment, and so the process of APIE will be referred to throughout. The nursing model developed by Roper, Logan and Tierney (RLT) in 2000, is one of several extensively criticised models commonly used in practice; to enable the facilitation of a holistic approach to care. The purpose of a nursing model is defined by Barrett et al as; Models give direction to the nurse about the patients and their needs and define nursing roles derived from the views, beliefs and values about people, health, the environment and nursing (Barrett et al, 2009 p. 42). As previously identified, RLT are keen to adopt an holistic approach to care as oppose to other models which only take into account a patients needs from a medical perspective. The RLT model has been acknowledged to reflect the current realities of healthcare within the United Kingdom (Barrett et al, 2009), consisting of five underlying concepts; Activities of Living, Lifespan, Independence-dependence continuum, factors influencing AL’s and individuality which (Roper et al, 2000) clearly state are interrelated with one another to emphasise the importance of holism. Pearson et al, along with many other nursing authors, highlight the significance of agreeing on a nursing model to be used together with the problem solving approach to develop an individualised care plan efficiently. Pearson et al (2005 p. 84) indefinitely state; ‘the ‘process’ cannot happen without an agreement on nursing’ as, whilst APIE provides the systematic framework as to how the care plan should be devised, the nursing model effectively identifies what should be considered at each individual stage (REF). The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) also supports the utilisation of a nursing model alongside a problem solving approach, in identifying that; It facilitates consistent, evidenced-based nursing care, and necessitates accurate, up-to-date care documentation (RCN, 2011). This assignment will also discuss how the RLT model and the problem solving approach are used to meet the biopsyhosocial needs of an individual, and also the strengths and limitations of using RLT’s model and a problem solving approach in relation to developing a care plan. An exploration of how the implementation of the RLT model and a problem solving approach allows the multidisciplinary teams (MDT) to use the approach to meet public health needs, will also be explored within this assignment. To support such discussions, a range of knowledge gained throughout this module and previous programme themes, as well as a formative care plan developed for a fictional patient known as Mabel Dunn (see appendix A); will be utilised effectually. Through the exploration of each stage of the problem solving approach in turn, and how RLT is utilised alongside this process, enables an extensive in depth analysis to take place whilst using the formative care plan as reflective material to support the discussion. Assessment is the initial stage of the nursing process. Roper et al consistently use the term ‘assessing’ to signify that it is an on-going process, and highlights its continuity throughout the patient’s episode of care (Aggleton & Chalmers, 2000). It is divided into two stages to allow for a holistic representation of the patient to be established (Barrett et al, 2009). Effective assessment allows the prompt identification of any changes in a patient’s health status, and if necessary; allows any action to be carried out immediately supporting the delivery of safe, effective care DH (). The formulation of an accurate assessment is a fundamental skill for a student nurse as outlined by the NMC (2004), and so it is important that a holistic approach is adopted for this skill to be achieved. An holistic approach supports the consideration of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. needs,(THEME? ) which Pearson et al (2005) accentuates that without the holistic consideration of a patient’s needs; it could lead to an inaccurate representation of the individual. RLT portrayed their understanding of a holistic approach through the use of the 12 Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s); as they believe a patient is best understood in terms of how they carry out the ADL’s (Holland et al, 2003). The 12 actvities (AL) of daily living act as a framework in the assessment process by providing a means of categorising the information in a systematic format (ppt presentation). Barrett et al (2009, p. 45) clarifies; Each activity represents a particular type of behaviour that all of us carry out on a day to day basis, whilst interacting with each other and our environment. The idea surrounding the ADL’s was derived from the Human Hierarchy of Needs developed by psychologist Abraham Maslow in (), by offering a representation of the common elements of everyday living that ensure human survival, and also quality of life (Barrett et al, 2009/pearson ). Despite the main focus of RLT’s model been holism, it has been extensively criticised in meeting the holistic needs of patients in the past, as practitioners have used the ADL’s in a checklist format (Barrett et al, 2009) even though the use of the ADL’s has been stressed to be used in a broad format, to enable a comprehensive assessment to be sought effectively. This could potentially cause further complications†¦. It is for this reason as to why the proficient skill of assessment is fundamental before becoming a competent practitioner as, without a comprehensive assessment the patients’ needs will not be considered from a holistic perspective, and consequently the model will not be used for its principal purpose. Holland et al (2003) highlight that the 12 ADL’s can interrelate in many different ways and therefore potentially impact on one another encouraging an holistic account of an individual’s needs. As a practitioner it is important to understand that the ADL’s can interrelate with one another and therefore influence on each other http://www. dh. gov. uk/en/Healthcare/Longtermconditions/DH_093359 (DOH, 2009) . A holistic approach supports that only taking into consideration the individuals physical needs during assessment as oppose to the human being as a whole; could potentially lead to an inaccurate representation of the individual and therefore lead to difficulties in meeting the patients’ needs effectively (Pearson et al, 2005). The quality of assessment will be greatly enhanced by the participation of the client and carers to the assessment process ensuring that the client’s wishes are foremost and, wherever possible, the client’s own words are used to reflect their needs RCN It also decreases the potential for, or the severity of, chronic conditions and helps the individual to gain control over their health through self-care. RCN  The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) emphasise the importance of the ability to effectively assess, plan, implement and evaluate care, forming the basis for the standards of proficiency as a student nurse (NMC, 2004). The concept of individuality is constantly emphasised by theorists as been crucial in the implementation of holistic care, and therefore stress the importance of taking a patient centred approach to care planning which will be discussed at a later stage within this assignment. Nurses have a major role in promoting health and well-being, as well as preventing disease and Roper et al see this as been an essential factor in the model for nursing (Roper et al 2000, p. 102) cited in (Holland et al, 2003) As previously stated, the stages of APIE interrelate in a cyclical context to allow for the establishment of a holistic, needs orientated approach to care delivery. The next stage known as Systematic Nursing Diagnosis was adapted due to criticisms of the approach lacking the concept of holism; one of the main focuses of the RLT model of nursing. Barrett et al (2009) accentuate how a nursing diagnosis differs from that of a medical diagnosis by establishing that; it places emphasis on a patients holistic needs, and so takes into consideration the physical, psychological, social and spiritual inferences of having a specific medical diagnosis. Hesook (2010, p. 200) also supports this statement in that; ‘health problems that are the referents of nursing diagnosis have been conceptualised from nursing perspectives in a variety of ways. Systematic nursing diagnosis can therefore be used resourcefully with RLT’s nursing model by allowing the nurse to reflect on the assessment stage formerly carried out, before beginning the planning stage to clarify the problems highlighted within the previous stage. Hogston & Marjoram (2006) acknowledged the fact that the original nursing process; APIE discussed in this assignment lacks this stage, arguing that the nurse does not have time to reflect on the assessment stage of the problem solving approach which affects the thoroughness of the care planning approach which could potentially lead to†¦. look at a limitation of SND†¦ ADD example of Mabel Dunn†¦ Planning Planning is the second stage of APIE and is also a multistage process which Barrett et al (2009) consider to involve the development of the care plan itself; based on information gathered within the former two stages. According to Within this stage, the nurse is accountable for setting appropriate goals and prescribing the relevant care to a patient to meet their holistic needs.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Intellectual property Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Intellectual property - Essay Example The main purpose of having copyright is to provide authors and artists a chance to produce new works. (Aplin & Davies, 2010) Intellectual property law ensures that authors and artists are given their earnings through official distributors (record companies, for example; Economists refer to these as â€Å"property stewards†) for recordings of this creative and intellectual work, which eventually give money to the authors and artists. Digital technology developers make peer-to-peer networks, which enable people to obtain the same works without paying. Acquiring the works with this method is similar to stealing, as per copyright law, hence it is must to reaffirm, and even extend, copyright law to criminalise the use of networkers who copy others’ work.Hence, what Kenneth performed should be seen as breaching copyright law. The expression of Intellectual Property provides a logical scrutiny of why the music, TV and movie industries’ arguments to develope copyright an d control certain technologies are more persuasive—to judges, justices, university administrators, college students, and the general public—than those of copyright activists who seek to keep peer-to-peer networks free and legal; to restrict the extension of copyright time limits and copy-protection tools; to guarantee a plentiful, continually replenished public domain of content; and to preserve fair use rights for content currently under copyright. By doing research about this topic, one can have a more solid perceptive of the descriptions of â€Å"piracy† and â€Å"sharing,† and can know precisely why so few of the students in University are capable of presenting an argument in favour of file sharing. According to some experts, peer-to-peer network technology can take our society towards a positive direction, but some argue that the same thing is bad for the society. British Government has a plan of introducing a right of information requiring disclosur e of names and addresses of individuals that are involved in the creation and distribution of the infringing goods and services or both with quantities and prices charged. Remedies will be strengthened to permit eternal removal or demolition of the infringing material together with the everlasting injunctions, compensation and damages. Differential attitudes toward theft of physical versus intellectual property (IP) become an increasingly serious problem as the latter become an ever-greater share of the total economic value of production. "Intellectual capital's rising value in the production of wealth has been mirrored by its increasing vulnerability to crime" (Snyder & Crescenzi, 2009). The cost of intellectual property theft in 2004 was estimated to be $250 billion and climbing (Wright, 2004). Losses due to all sorts of piracy in the music and film industries alone are currently estimated to be in the tens of billions of dollars (Szuskin, et al., 2009). Hence, Intellectual proper ty theft has become a very serious problem as the result of computers' increasing role in the everyday life of the public (Picard, 2004). Traditional approaches to the prevention of theft are mainly to protect the goods and to catch and punish perpetrators, but these are increasingly difficult to accomplish in this digital age (Peace & Thong, 2003). The facility with which digital information can be stored, communicated, and disseminated makes it exceedingly difficult to contain and protect. When physical property is stolen, its absence makes the theft far more readily noticed than when digital property is copied while the original data remains intact and appears untouched. Thus, detection of the crime and capture of the thief are no easy matter. Despite these limitations, producers of digital property are striving to develop and improve protective measures (Im & Koen, 1990; Waterman, et al., 2007; Wright, 2004). If you learned that a friend had gone into an acquaintance's home and

Sunday, July 28, 2019


DRIVING THE ORGANISATION - ORGANISATIONAL DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT - Assignment Example The point of debate is that whether the organizational strategy is purposely changed to adapt to the external environment or the strategy is automatically determined due to external forces, as noted by Hannan and Freeman (1977). Wieck, (1979) agrees with this stance and argues that developing mutually exclusive theories; relying one single causation, focusing on the origins and elimination of elements such as â€Å"choice† are problematic. This theory can be put to test in Sony’s case - we see that Sony’s strategic direction was determined by external and internal factors, and as a result, the external and internal environment was influenced by its direction. Some strategic choices were made due to adaptation, while the others were determined by external forces- both these forces conglomerated to create Sony’s’ strategic direction. This can be better portrayed using a Venn Diagram Given Sony’s position in the market, it can be said that it had a number of strategic choices; although most of these choices were somewhat influenced by the external environment and company decisions, but due to its size and complexity, it was able to achieve its desired outcome with the availability of multiple choices. According to the work of Porter (1980), such Companies are able to follow â€Å"differentiation and focus strategies, choose market niches or segments within the constraints laid down by the environment or alternatively pursue different strategies despite external forces†, as stated by Berle and Means (1932). Upon using Porter’s (1983) analysis of the external environment on Sony, we can understand how the external environment shaped the Sony’s strategic direction and how Sony’s decision in turn shaped the external environment. The five elements of Porter’s design include: Threat of New Entrants: For Sony, this was a major external force that based their strategic direction, and this is evident

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Why Trial by Jury Should Be Retained Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Why Trial by Jury Should Be Retained - Essay Example It is though this confidence that citizens appreciate the independence and the important role played by the judicial system. Trial through a jury has been a long tradition in the justice system that it is considered as unique approach in the justice system in that it requires the use of ordinary citizens without prior legal training to hear evidence in a court of law, make sense of the conflicting facts and the application of legal rules to reach a final verdict about which all or the majority of jurors can agree. Thousands of cases are heard and determined by juries annually and prediction regarding the potential verdicts has a large influence on the decisions required to settle civil lawsuits and in offering and accepting plea bargains in most criminal cases. Jury trials have therefore an important role to play in the law. It is through these juries that psychologists can better perceive how individuals perceive, interpret and remember evidence and the various ways in which the jur or members can establish consensus with one another. Largely, the use of these juries in trials is mainly observed as giving the public the power and entrusting them to govern themselves in that the members are just ordinary public with no prior training in law. Most western countries through this have undertaken to use juries in both criminal and civil cases. Does it mean that judges are not entrusted to pass out credible verdicts? Not really. Jurors are just intended to ensure that the trial has the view and acceptance of the ordinary man. ii. Facts and statistics on juries In 2005, about 16,397 tort cases were disposed by jury or bench with the jury hearing 90% of these cases. 80% of all jury trails globally takes place in the US 70% of Japanese citizens reluctant to serve in the jury In 2009, there were six verdicts over $1,000,000 in the US in medical malpractices with largest being at $23.6 million settled after trail (Day, 2010). iii. Objectives of the review This review has several objectives which are; Evaluating the importance of a jury Understanding how a jury operates Recommending the retention of juries in corridors of justice. iv. How jurors operate. Jurors in most cases do a good job in weighing the evidence provided and applying the law in passing out the verdict of an accused (Greene & Bornstein, 2000). Usually, where jurors are considered to have erred, there is evidence that the errors reflect well documented and universal psychological principles that may include heuristic reasoning and attribution errors (Greene & Bornstein, 2011). This may aid in watering down the numerous criticism along with extensive media coverage that portray sensitive cases that have been used to portray the jury as being incompetent and resulting to wrong judgments especially in criminal cases. These errors occurring within the acceptable and recognized psychological principles explain the overall usefulness of these juries in civil and criminal cases and further e xplain that there is an importance of retaining them in the corridors of justice. The lack of fairness in the court system may be attributed to: System not offering required protection to citizens form harm by bringing offenders to the required justice Proceedings in the court system being lengthy Outcome of sentences portraying a disconnection between the crime committed and the senesce handed to offenders (Falconer, 2006) Juries in most cases ensure that judges entrust fairness and preserve the issue of subjective decision making in convicting persons in a court of law (Lea, 2006). The role of jury is to weigh the evidence this is presented in court, apply the law as directed by the trial judge regarding the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Schizophrenia Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Schizophrenia - Assignment Example The disorder is degenerative in nature and tends to worsen over time and it is quite commonly believed that treatment of this disorder is near to impossible. There are many individuals who have been successfully treated with this disease after they have suffered for years from this disease. These individuals have undergone several treatment methods which have ultimately lead to their full recovery from the disorder. It is very difficult to treat the patients of schizophrenia, but several individuals who were even suffering from acute schizophrenia have been able to cure themselves with the use of medication and different treatments. The most effective drugs that are used to treat patients suffering from schizophrenia are the antipsychotic drugs. The main aim of prescribing and using these drugs is to reduce the chances of the occurrence of episodes that are psychotic in nature and are experienced by patients suffering from schizophrenia. But medications alone have proven to be quite unreliable in treating schizophrenia patients. These drugs even have severe side effects and most of the time people discontinue taking drugs because of these side effects. For example: a study was conducted by Lieberman and in this study the authors identified that 74% of their sample stopped taking antipsychotic drugs to treat schizophrenia because they were suffering from severe side effects such as excessive wei ght loss (Lieberman, 2005). Along with use of antipsychotic drugs, patients need to undergo different therapies in order to cure themselves from the disorder. One of the therapies that have gained immense recognition for even curing acute schizophrenia is recognized as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The therapy of CBT is used in order to provide empowerment to patients and make them feel that they are in control and they can recover from their mental health issue of

Nat Turner's Trial Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nat Turner's Trial - Case Study Example Second, Nat Turner also answered did not feel so during the same arraignment date when he was read another charge for insurrection. Third, African Americans were considered the personal property of their purchasers and thus were curtailed of this basic rights as a free man or woman. Fourth, Nat Turner for knew that the only way to atone for his encouraging fellow African Americans to kill innocent men, women and children in their sleep was to accept the verdict of the court which would be hanging. Fifth, Nat Turner felt that he was given a fair trial under the white -favoring laws during the 1830s. First, Nat Turner answered that he did not feel so when asked whether he was not guilty of the case masterminding the murder of innocent white men, women, children including infants. He was arraigned in August 22, 1831. Some of the fifty five people murdered were Joseph Travers, his wife and their three children, Mrs. Elizabeth Turner, Hartwell Prebles, Sarah Newsome, Mrs. P Reese and her son William, Trajan Doyle and others. Some of Nat Turner's fellow African American co-conspirators that were also found guilty and sentenced by the same August 1831 court were Daniel who was owned by Richard Porter, Moses who was the property of J.T. Barrow, Nathan who was owned by Benj. Blunt's estate, Davy who was owned by Elizabeth Turner, Curtis and Stephen who were owned by Thomas Ridley and others. For, Nat Turner felt that his group overstepped their instructions from him by killing innocent women and children. Rightfully, Nat Turner answered that he did not feel so when asked whether he was not guilty of the case masterminding the murder of innocent white men, women, children including infants(Greenberg, 1996; p. 25-50). Second, Nat Turner also answered did not feel so during the same arraignment date when he was read another charge for insurrection. It was against the law to rise up and disobey their masters. Similarly, people today have to follow the laws of the land or else they will meted the corresponding penalties, fines, prison terms or even death. For, Nat Turner felt that rising against their White American owners was his mission on earth. Nat Turner felt that he was destined to curve a name for himself in American history by being the leader who tried to free the African Americans from the tyranny and hard life of the White Americans during his younger days. Clearly, Nat Turner also answered did not f eel so during the same arraignment date when he was read another charge for insurrection(Campbell, 1970, p. 20-35).Third, African Americans were considered the personal property of their purchasers and thus were curtailed of their basic rights as a free man or woman. The slaves did not have a ny freedom because they were forcibly kidnapped from Africa and sold as personal property to the white Americans. Today, the African Americans are free because the Northerners of Union forces defeated the Southerners or Confederate forces. Come to think of it, Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson and the boxer Muhammad Ali would still be slaves today had the Southerners run over the Northern forces. Ironically, the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Write a summary of a report on trade theory and tarifs for a team of Essay

Write a summary of a report on trade theory and tarifs for a team of newly hired International Managers. What are the important points you would highlight in this report - Essay Example rights on a global scale, through the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) and the recent significant agreements that have been signed under the WIPO’s umbrella. Similarly, it is also important to realize the influences of the latest multilateral trade negotiations that have occurred such as the TRIPS (Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights System) Agreement’s accession with the aspect of Intellectual Property (World Trade Organization). By doing so, one can derive the combined advantages of the practicalities of Intellectual Property Right Systems and the TRIPS agreement. The last aspect that holds immeasurable importance in the regard of the subject at hand is the telecommunication regime that is becoming increasingly directed by the evolution of Information Technology on a global scale. All these aspects come to together to have direct affects upon areas such as international air transport and global trade, the structural characteristics of the airline industry alongside the implementation of public policies and the involvement of the International Civil Aviation Organization in this regard. The discussion however would not be complete without an understanding of the framework that the General Agreement on Trade in Services provides under the flag of the World Trade

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Bollywood as a global industry Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bollywood as a global industry - Research Paper Example It is very easy to establish that every local channel has an Indian music or movies. On top of that, movies, songs and dance styles are loved by many people who even do not understand the language. For example, one of the old Hindi films called Shree 420(1955) is still aired up to date, although some changes have been made to it. Bollywood is a perfect example of a global industry. It is one of the largest film making industries not only in India but also in rest the world. It is located In Mumbai, India. The name Bollywood is derived from two names; Bombay which is the initial name for Mumbai and Hollywood which is the famous American film producers. Bollywood naming mainly came to being because of â€Å"Tollywood† which refers to the film industry of West Bengal. Tollywood started at around 1932. In 1930s, Bollywood started to venture in sound filming. This was mainly because at that time, there was a huge market for the Indian music as evidenced by the first Indian sound film (Ardershir Iran’s Alam Ara) which was a great realization. However Bollywood passed through many tough times which could easily have lead it to collapse. Such times include World War 2 (1939-1945), great depression and struggle for independence. After India got its independence in it experienced a â€Å"golden age†. Under this period, Bollywood produced several films which are largely acknowledged up to today. They include Kaagaz Ke Phool of 1959 and Madhumati of 1958. It is also during this time that it produced extolled actors and actresses who include Mala Sinha, Guru Dutt and Mani Kaul. Over time, Bollywood incorporated romantic and action films and also improved in the animation sector. From the year 2000, Bollywood started to increase its market target by increasing interconnectedness of countries through adopted of advanced technology (Ganti, 2012). Bollywood has help a lot in cultural development. Through these films, it has spread

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Brand Audit Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Brand Audit - Research Paper Example However, with appropriate brand audit the particular brand will get more strength to retain its strong brand image within the market. Introduction: There are many cases in the industry where the business got badly affected for the major brand failures and for these factors the main reason would be the lack of initiative in brand audit process. Target is a brand which is into the retailing. It has to be remembered that a retail store sales products which are of different brands. Target retail is a chain which is selling multi branded products in their stores. In this case many brands are associated under one name and that is the reason auditing of the main brand Target is an important factor to be taken seriously to measure the ultimate output in a quantitative manner. Brand audit and background analysis of the Brand Target: The brand is the name, logo or some marks associated with the product which distinguishes the product from the other identical products (Clifton, Simmons, and Ahm ad 2009, 23). According to Martin Jelsema 1 the six major factors for the brand evaluations are brand matrices, brand positioning, market segmentations, internal strength of the brand, brand personality and differentiators which differentiate the brand from the other competing brands. The brand audit is basically the valuation of the brad in a quantitative manner. ... As an example brand equity can be stated as the strong mental association within the consumers related to the specific brand. It also can be associated with the aggregate value of the brand in the customers’ mind (Majumdar, 2009, 3). Customers are the assets of the companies and the brand identity and the brand equity relates closely towards the customer equity. The brand Target has a great brand value among the customers of Australia. There are some factors which are closely related to the evaluation of the brand Target and they are, value equity, relationship equity and the brand equity. The customer centric approach of the retail brand Target is the key of the success. The Brand Target was founded in early 1925 and from that time it is growing with a great pace and in the present time the brand operates as a subsidiary of the company named Coles Group Limited (Target Australia private Ltd.). The company has a great existence in the market as the brand name of Target and it has also created great brand equity in the country side of the Australia with the brand name of Target Country Stores. However, the mother brand Target is having more than 290 stores in all over Australia (History in the making: Target). The Target Australia Private Ltd has shown a great endeavor towards building the brand and more importantly it has got a sustainable market capitalization within the Australian consumers for many years. Brand Culture: The brand culture is a structural function which creates the identity of the brand for a long term within the organization. The proper culture shows the ultimate path for the improvement. The brand culture has got a great significance in the industry for the last few decades

Monday, July 22, 2019

A Review of the Role of Entrepreneurship in Stimulating Economic Growth Essay Example for Free

A Review of the Role of Entrepreneurship in Stimulating Economic Growth Essay They also further states that entrepreneurs have been responsible for growth and development over the centuries and are identified as the key role players in the economy of every country. The paper identifies the different definitions of an entrepreneur which are identified as the different channels in which entrepreneurship lead to economic growth, reduced unemployment and increased levels of income among countries. As a result of the role of entrepreneurship in any country, most countries emphasises on integrating entrepreneurial activity in its economic policy. A discussion is made on developing economies mainly South Africa, China, Brazil and Russia comparing the entrepreneurial activity within the economies. Economic growth is best defined as a long-term expansion of the productive potential of the economy. It is measured by the comparing the difference between the Gross National Product (GNP) in a year with the GNP of the previous year. A growing economy is when the difference is positive. The term simply refers to an increase in the ability to produce goods and services. It is easier to define unemployment when there is an understanding of the term economic growth. Unemployment refers to when a person who is actively searching for employment cannot find work to do. This is an instrument used to determine the healthiness of an economy. After knowing the levels of unemployment in an economy, determining the level of income distribution becomes a bit projected. The level of income in an economy refers to the way in which in money is distributed among the population in an economy. The above three defined terms has a link to each other. The level of economic growth have a direct proportional influence on the possible jobs available in the economy while a reciprocal relationship exist between the level of income in the particular economy and levels of unemployment. The level of income is directly proportional to economic growth. Also, the level of unemployment is directly proportional to the level of income in an economy. However, all the above aspects are influenced by the level of entrepreneurship in the particular economy. An economy with high activity of entrepreneurship is more likely to be characterized by high economic growth, reducing levels of unemployment and increasing levels of income while an economy with low entrepreneurial activity on the other hand can be characterized by low economic growth, high levels of unemployment and low levels of income. Entrepreneurship cannot be separated from the following terms â€Å"economic growth†, â€Å"employment† and â€Å"country income level distribution† as all the entrepreneurial activities contribute largely to economic growth, levels of employment and income distribution. Different nature of entrepreneurs stimulates the growth of an economy in different ways. In any country with high levels of entrepreneurial activities or which experienced high entrepreneurial activity, the economy tends to be of middle to high income and the unemployment levels tend to be decreasing if not low. However, economies with low income distribution are characterised by low entrepreneurial activities and mostly, there are significant levels of unemployment. Such low income economies have high records of poverty which leads them to seek donors. Different authors made contributions on this topic and this paper compares and links the information obtained into a comprehensive review. The term entrepreneurship has been defined by Schumpeter (1934) as lying in the perceptions and exploration of new opportunities in the realm of business. He further states that it always has to do with bringing about a different use of resources in that they are withdrawn from their traditional employ and subjected to new combinations. Schumpeter relates entrepreneurship to be influenced by entrepreneurs who are innovative and hese people have to be extra-ordinary as they have to come up with extra-ordinary events. They come up with new technological possibilities hence are able to establish large businesses from these. Carland etal. (1984) confirms that an entrepreneur is someone innovative and further says that he or she employs strategic management practices in the business. Timmons (2000) believes entrepreneurship as the process of creating a nd seizing an opportunity and pursuing it, regardless of resources currently controlled. Nieman and Nieuwenhuizen (2009) define an entrepreneur as the person who sees an opportunity in the market, gathers resources and creates and grows a business venture to meet these needs. They also further states that he or she bears risk of the venture and is rewarded with profit if it succeed. With different definitions of entrepreneurship defined by different authors through the way they define an entrepreneur, the researcher generally defines entrepreneurship as the act of being an entrepreneur who establishes business through the organisation of resources taking risk with the aim of realising profit. The Schumpeterian entrepreneur as defined above is innovative. In support for this, Curran and Stanworth (1989) defines entrepreneurship as the creation of new economic entity centred on a novel product or service or, or at the very least, one which differs significantly from products or services offered elsewhere in the market. Such entrepreneurs play a very crucial role in stimulating economic growth. They come up with huge organisations which can be monopolies in the economy. With the nature of big businesses, they would be more likely to produce large volumes of product increasing the GNP thereby contributing significantly to economic growth. With their capacity to produce large volumes, such organisation would take considerable number of employees hence reducing unemployment. By employing people, such entrepreneurs contribute to the increased levels of income in an economy. Another author Kirzner presents a different way in which entrepreneurship can be influenced by an entrepreneur through the way he defines an entrepreneur. According to Kirzner, the entrepreneur is someone who is alert to profitable opportunities for exchange. Such an entrepreneur believes in gathering the needed information, refining and providing it to those in need of it. Such entrepreneurs act as intermediaries for example between suppliers and customers. They are also very important in the growth of an economy as they facilitate inception, incubation of businesses through the provision of supportive information. The information they provide acts as a catalyst into venturing into business and builds confidence to emerging businesses. Emerging businesses require business support for them to have high chances of success hence the Kirzner entrepreneur makes the perfect match for such new businesses whose success lies on business support services. Such an entrepreneur can offer business support services such as business counselling, business mentoring and business incubation.

Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. Essay Example for Free

Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. Essay The problem associated with this case is whether or not the company should introduce a new energy beverage brand into the market. If a profitable market opportunity exists for the company to enter the energy beverage market the next step would be to identify a target market and marketing mix along with a product line and brand positioning. The best opportunity for the company to gain market share is to target adult energy drinkers from ages 35 to 54 since none of the competitors are catering towards this segment. Bottlers, distributors, and retailers are unlikely to produce and stock more than two SKUs of a new energy drink brand so it would be best to introduce a regular 16ounce single-serve package that consists of two different flavors. Since regular energy beverages hold 80% share of the market selecting regular is best, and since the 16ounce energy drinks represent 50% of case sales in convenience stores and want a high turnover to maintain prevalence in convenience stores its best to go with a 16ounce size. Also having two different flavors to choose from will help increase chance of trial rather than have only one flavor and have regular and sugar free or have one flavor and two different sizes. In positioning the brand the company should differentiate the energy drink from competitors by basis of packaging and select the 16.9ounce single-serve aluminum bottle with a resealable screw cap, and also by ingredients in having lower carbohydrates in the formulation. The energy brand should be distributed to all types of off-premise retailers where beverages are sold for maximum sales. The company’s U.S. media expenditure should be $12.6 million, equal to that of Tag Energy’s U.S. media expenditure which lead to a 2.3% dollar market share, because Tag Energy was also new to the energy beverage market and targeted to a certain demographic the company should experience a similar result. The manufacturer’s suggested retail selling price should be $2.29. Higher than the average $2.00 per single-serve because of it’s unique  point of difference – lower carbohydrates and aluminum bottle with resealable screw cap. Market sales potential for the company’s target market is equal to $1.608 (Exhibit 1) billion and market sales forecast is equal to $133.202 million (Exhibit 2). With a retail trade margin equal to 40% the company’s selling price to retailers would be $.961 (Exhibit 3). Thus from the market sales forecast of $133.202 million the company would receive $79.921 million in revenue, and with the company’s contribution margin of 30% total profit would be equal to $22.378 million (Exhibit 4).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Equine Assisted Activities Spina Bifida Health And Social Care Essay

Equine Assisted Activities Spina Bifida Health And Social Care Essay Spina Bifida is a neurological disorder whose main attribute is a failure of the spine to close properly before birth. As the fetus develops in the first month of pregnancy, the brain and spinal cord form from a small piece of tissue called the neural tube.   For one in approximately every one thousand babies, this neural tube does not close properly after the spinal cord has developed, resulting in a portion of the spinal cord being exposed at birth. It is not known what exactly causes this malformation, but it has been hypothesized that there may be a genetic link. Another explanation is that Spina Bifida may be caused by this genetic link in combination with a deficiency of folic acid in the mother during pregnancy. Folic acid is a B vitamin that is important for fetal development in the first three months of pregnancy, thus an insufficient amount could lead the spinal cord not forming properly. The brain and spinal cord are some of the first organs to develop in the fetus, and thus a lack of folic acid could interrupt their development (Watson 4-8). In the most severe cases of Spina Bifida, classified as forms of Spina Bifida Cystica, a sac is exposed on the childs back that contains fluid, nerves, protective nerve coverings, and sometimes a portion of the spinal cord (Resources for Working with Youth with Special Needs). This sac is surgically removed within the first few days after birth, while trying to save and replace in the body as many of the viable nerves as possible. The extent of the damage to the spinal cord depends on how far down the spine the opening occurs. This in turn determines the level of paralysis or disability of the individual. The spinal cord and nerves are not always exposed in a sac outside of the body, but can also be just slightly damaged in a form of the condition known as hidden Spina Bifida. Whether or not there is a sac present outside of the body, the deformity of the spinal cord can occur in varying degrees, resulting in three main types of Spina Bifida (National Institutes of Health; Watson, 6). The most common type of Spina Bifida, which results in the most severe disabilities, is called Myelomeningocele Spina Bifida. The characterizing exposed sac protrudes out of an opening in the babys back, and contains a portion of the spinal cord. Because many of the nerves contained in this sac are damaged, this form of Spina Bifida can cause severe disabilities including weakness, loss of feeling in or paralysis of the feet, legs and sometimes waist (Center for Disease Control and Prevention). Meningocele Spina Bifida is less severe than Myelomeningocele, but has similar effects on the individual. The neural sac is still exposed and exists outside of the body, however it does not contain any part of the spinal cord itself, and thus causes less nerve damage. Individuals with this form of Spina Bifida may have some loss of feeling, weakness or paralysis in the feet and lower legs (Center for Disease Control and Prevention). The mildest form is called Spina Bifida Occulta. It is often referred to as hidden Spina Bifida, because it is not apparent at birth and usually does not affect the individual at all. The spinal cord is not damaged in this form of the disease, but there is a small opening between vertebrae in the spine. Because it is so subtle, Spina Bifida Occulta is usually not diagnosed unless the individual has an X-ray or test done for another condition, and it generally is not severe enough to even require treatment (Watson, 6).   Many individuals with Spina Bifida also have a condition known as Hydrocephalus, or water on the brain, which is essentially a build-up of cerebro-spinal fluid around the brain. A widening of the spinal canal called hydromyelia, which creates a cavity where fluid can build up, can cause hydrocephalus. It is a common co-occurrence with Spina Bifida because the deformity of the spinal cord can prevent the fluid from draining as it normally would (Watson, 7). This condition is usually treated with a shunt placed in the individuals skull, which helps to properly drain the excess fluid. In many cases, the hydrocephalus itself is caused by another common co-occurring condition with Spina Bifida, called Chiari II Malformation. This is a malformation of the skull that results in the bottom portion of the skull being smaller than normal. When this happens, part of the cerebellum and brain stem are pushed downward into the neck, blocking the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and causing hydrocephalu s (National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke). Since the cerebellum is the portion of the brain that controls balance, this can affect the individuals vestibular sense. Many of the problems associated with the two more severe forms of Spina Bifida can be improved with equine assisted activities. Due to the fact that all forms of Spina Bifida affect the spinal cord and nerves of the individual, the most common problems associated with the disease relate to motor coordination as a result of lack of feeling, weakness or paralysis in the lower limbs. Sometimes, difficulties with bilateral integration can also occur depending on the specific individuals disability. Often, individuals with Spina Bifida have increased muscle tone and some spasticity in their legs. Usually they are able to walk with the use of equipment such as leg braces, body braces, crutches and walkers, but have abnormal gaits and have difficulty standing without movement (Bartonek, et. al). They can also have difficulty with trunk control and holding them selves in a sitting position if the nerve damage affected their ability to feel and control their hips and waist. Due to the lack of feeling in some parts of the body, some individuals with Spina Bifida may have problems with sensory integration to some extent. This would be present mainly in terms of the vestibular and proprioceptive senses. Some additional problems such as tendonitis and skin breakdown can co-occur with Spina Bifida, mainly due to the loss of feeling in the lower extremities. In some cases, mental along with physical function is affected and the individual may have some degree of mental retardation, but this is often not the case. Equine Assisted Activities Individuals with Spina Bifida could participate in and benefit from two main Equine Assisted Activities: Hippotherapy and Therapeutic Riding. Because Spina Bifida primarily causes physical problems, hippotherapy would probably be the best option, as it is a true therapy that would provide more medical benefits than a therapeutic riding lesson alone could provide. However, hippotherapy could be used in conjunction with therapeutic riding. Hippotherapy and Therapeutic riding would provide very different benefits, however, they both have the potential to improve an individuals physical motor skills along with their mental and social skills if those areas were affected. Hippotherapy would most likely be the best option for an individual with Spina Bifida, as the conditions primary manifestations affect the physical abilities of the individual, requiring more assistance from a physical therapist to improve motor function. Hippotherapy Hippotherapy would most likely be the main equine assisted activity for riders with Spina Bifida. It would provide the required physical therapy to improve muscle tone and motor function, more so than therapeutic riding alone. The activities and exercises in hippotherapy target neuromuscular function, movement disorders and sensory integration disorders, which are all areas that can be affected in a person with Spina Bifida. Overall, as with other equine assisted activities, the horse would provide perfect three-dimensional motion and warmth, allowing the rider to relax their muscles and let the horse move their legs and hips. This movement would be key, as many individuals with Spina Bifida focus on learning how to walk so they are not confined to a wheelchair. Though many will not be able to walk without crutches or braces, the movement of the horse can teach them both mentally and physically what the patterns of walking look and feel like so that someday they may be able to implem ent the motions off the horse. Since the purposes of hippotherapy revolve around goals related to physical and sensory abilities, the rider would be focused on improving in some of the following areas. Most importantly, the stretches and balancing exercises in hippotherapy could help improve muscle tone and movement, allowing the rider to work on further developing their balance, posture and mobility. Some examples of these exercises could include the rider standing in the stirrups, with assistance if needed, trying to maintain balance, or the rider laying on their back on the horse, using their leg muscles to hold themselves up on the horses neck.   Ultimately, all of the skills and improvements gained from hippotherapy sessions could lead to a final goal of improved gross motor skills such as walking, sitting and standing which are the simple daily tasks that most Spina Bifida patients struggle with throughout their lives. Therapeutic Riding Therapeutic Riding could benefit riders with Spina Bifida, but would most likely be in addition to hippotherapy. Therapeutic riding could provide the added benefit of social interaction and learning riding skills on top of the more intense physical therapy gained from hippotherapy. Therapeutic riding could provide a setting in which the rider could refine the stretches and activities learned in hippotherapy and apply them on a more simplistic level while riding in a therapeutic lesson. Whether in Hippotherapy or Therapeutic Riding, the same fundamental benefits of simply being on the horse would exist. The three-dimensional motion and patterns of the horses gait would encourage walking, and in this setting would be more relaxed than in an intense physical therapy-type lesson. Though hippotherapy would provide most of the necessary therapy components to a rider with Spina Bifida, therapeutic riding does have several aspects that are not present in hippotherapy that could greatly benefit the riders. They would be required to use their bodies a little bit differently in a riding lesson-that is, rather than the horse simply being a prop that moves underneath them while the lay down or stretch, they would have to integrate their movements with those of the horse. The riders would need to use their legs to signal the horse to walk on, and they would need to maintain balance and posture throughout the lesson, requiring them to use their leg, hip, and trunk muscles. In certain activities, such as trotting and two-pointing, they would be required to use their leg muscles even more to keep balanced and remain steady on the horse. This may be very challenging for some individuals, depending on their level of weakness or paralysis in the legs. On top of these benefits, therapeutic riding would provide a setting in which individuals could interact with other riders and their volunteers in a fun and relaxed setting. Hippotherapy, as it is a true therapy, would most likely be very challenging and tiring, and therapeutic riding could provide a setting in which riders could enjoy the company of other people and horses in a less intense session. Contraindications for Spina Bifida and Equine Assisted Activities Though a rider with Spina Bifida can benefit greatly from equine assisted activities, there are several contraindications that should be considered before beginning with either hippotherapy or therapeutic riding. Many of the common contraindications of riding horses are present in individuals with Spina Bifida. However, some can be present but mild enough so as not to limit the rider. Either way, it is important to consider all of the possible contraindications and risks before he rider begins either a hippotherapy or therapeutic riding session. One of the most important things to consider when looking into contraindication for a rider with Spina Bifida is the ability to maintain a sitting position on the horse. If a rider is unable to maintain this position without causing kyphosis or lordosis (inward curving or bowing of the spine), then the Spina Bifida itself could be considered a contraindication (Medline Plus). In most cases, it is only a precaution if a correctly fitted, deep-seated saddle (most likely a western saddle) is available. Another prevalent contraindications for riders with Spina Bifida is hydrocephalus, a common co-occurrence of Spina Bifida. Generally it is a contraindication due to the fact that it is treated with the placement of a shunt. If a properly fitting helmet cannot be placed on the rider without putting pressure on the shunt, it may only be a precaution (North Okanagan Therapeutic Riding Association). Another common contraindication associated with Spina Bifida is the possibility of developing a condition known as Tethered Cord Syndrome-when the base of the spinal cord is held down and unable to move freely in the spinal column. This condition normally occurs as a result of scar tissue forming from the original surgery to remove the myelomeningocele or meningocele. This scar tissue is what ties the spinal cord down. In some cases, the motion of the horse can increase the chances of this condition forming, or aggravate it if the condition has already begin to develop, making it an important contraindication to consider. Tethered cord syndrome can worsen the already existent problems associated with Spina Bifida. It can cause worsening of gait associated with increased pain and spasticity in the legs, and rapid development of scoliosis (Spina Bifida Association). Conclusions   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Spina Bifida is a common neurological disorder that can cause lack of feeling, weakness and paralysis of the lower extremities. In some cases, other conditions such as hydrocephalus, Chiari II malformation, Tethered Cord Syndrome, tendonitis and mental retardation can co-occur with Spina Bifida, ultimately resulting in struggles with physical and sometimes mental function. The problems associated with Spina Bifida and its co-occurrences primarily affect motor function and the tactile, proprioceptive and vestibular senses. For this reason, equine assisted activities such as Hippotherapy and Therapeutic riding can have a very positive impact on riders with Spina Bifida. One or both of these activities can be implemented in the individuals routine to improve their motor function, specifically in terms of their abilities to use the muscles in their feet, legs, hips and trunk. Gross motor skills such as standing and walking are the main challen ges that individuals with Spina Bifida face, and the natural movements of the horse, along with therapy exercises and activities can be very effective in improving these skills in order for individuals to achieve more independence and in turn, better quality of life.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Illness Among the Chickens :: Creative Writing Essays

Illness Among the Chickens The outbreak began in early June, following the first major rush of tourism for the summer. The streets were crowded with tourists--many American, but some Japanese, Koreans, and Europeans as well. As the townspeople focused on selling their wares to the tourists, none noticed the lethargy of their poultry. As I moved passed my neighbor's poultry shed, headed toward the street to sell my copied music cds (for I am rather well off, having moved to this neighborhood to care for my ailing parents), I noticed that the chickens were lethargic, and had not seemed to have eaten. My neighbor cursed them to me when I saw him, claiming that what few eggs they laid were soft and broke when he picked them up. I moved when he kicked one, and set up my shop for the day. The next day, as I passed the chicken shack, I noticed one chicken lying next to the shack--its face was swollen, and the combs of the cocks had taken on a blueish coloration. The chicken also seemed to be sneezing, but I can never tell. I did not see my neighbor that morning, and I moved on. When I returned home, however, I saw him standing in his yard, staring down. He was flushed, and sweating, but in the heat, I took it for granted. One thing however, stopped me cold--all around him, his chickens were dead. It seemed to have come suddenly--some were dead in the water trough, as if they had been struck down while drinking. After putting on my gardening mask (I have terrible hayfever), I helped pile the corpses into a wheelbarrow and carry them off out of the town to bury them. My neighbor spit and cleared his throat a lot, and complained of a headache and said his arthritis was acting up. I gave him some aspirin, and went home for the night. Several days passed as normal, and I did not think too much of the chickens. After all, this was the busy season, and I had to make sure that I made enough to last my sister a year, when I left her [to watch] my parents [after] I returned home. However, when my neighbor's daughter crawled to my door and passed out, I knew that [the illnesses of my neighbor and his chickens] were somehow related. Illness Among the Chickens :: Creative Writing Essays Illness Among the Chickens The outbreak began in early June, following the first major rush of tourism for the summer. The streets were crowded with tourists--many American, but some Japanese, Koreans, and Europeans as well. As the townspeople focused on selling their wares to the tourists, none noticed the lethargy of their poultry. As I moved passed my neighbor's poultry shed, headed toward the street to sell my copied music cds (for I am rather well off, having moved to this neighborhood to care for my ailing parents), I noticed that the chickens were lethargic, and had not seemed to have eaten. My neighbor cursed them to me when I saw him, claiming that what few eggs they laid were soft and broke when he picked them up. I moved when he kicked one, and set up my shop for the day. The next day, as I passed the chicken shack, I noticed one chicken lying next to the shack--its face was swollen, and the combs of the cocks had taken on a blueish coloration. The chicken also seemed to be sneezing, but I can never tell. I did not see my neighbor that morning, and I moved on. When I returned home, however, I saw him standing in his yard, staring down. He was flushed, and sweating, but in the heat, I took it for granted. One thing however, stopped me cold--all around him, his chickens were dead. It seemed to have come suddenly--some were dead in the water trough, as if they had been struck down while drinking. After putting on my gardening mask (I have terrible hayfever), I helped pile the corpses into a wheelbarrow and carry them off out of the town to bury them. My neighbor spit and cleared his throat a lot, and complained of a headache and said his arthritis was acting up. I gave him some aspirin, and went home for the night. Several days passed as normal, and I did not think too much of the chickens. After all, this was the busy season, and I had to make sure that I made enough to last my sister a year, when I left her [to watch] my parents [after] I returned home. However, when my neighbor's daughter crawled to my door and passed out, I knew that [the illnesses of my neighbor and his chickens] were somehow related.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

â€Å"ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY IN GOOD GOVERNANCE† GROUP MEMBERS: -Saba naz (51) - Fizza Farrukh (16) RESEARCH ARTICLE According to Etounge Manguella: â€Å"Good Governance implies presence of rule of law, safeguard of human right, existence of honest government, accountability, transparency, predictability and openness† It is a legitimate, accountable, and effective way of obtaining and using public power and resources in the pursuit of widely-accepted social goals. Good governance has got great significance in our state as the problems of corruption, red tapism and inefficiency crept in the internal structure of our country. Today good governance not only occupies central place in our state but also regarded as crucial element in building nation. Nation cannot flourish in the absence of good governance. It is the need of an hour. Without the presence of good governance, no country can play pivotal role in the orb. It is regarded as the soul of country. Governance is very pertinent in every sphere of life, whether it is house or office, good governance is needed to perform effectively. It also provides strong foundation for the developmental process. Accountability: Accountability is one of the major characterstic of good governance. Lack of accountability has been creating tension since independence. Improper usage of funds, increasing rate of inflation, Pakistan is also under debt trap. It is all happening due to absence of accountability. Corruption can easily be removed with proper channel of accountability. Check and balance is very essential for the maintenance of funds This is the age of living transparently. A visible change has been brought in the culture of all financial players – Finance Ministry an... ...many facets of the State machinery, particularly those that have an interface with the public. v) Lack of credibility – the gap between the intent and the actions – of some institutions in society. vi) Inadequate application of rules, evasion of taxes and failure in getting timely justice. vii) Existence of a significant number of voiceless poor with little opportunities for participating. viii) Deterioration of physical environment in the urban and rural areas The World Bank has recently released a report on governance indicators for the period 1996-2004 covering 209 countries. The report, covering six governance indicators including voice and accountability, political stability, government effectiveness, regulatory control, rule of law, and control of corruption, shows that Pakistan’s ratings remain low and have somewhat deteriorated over the period.

Hydrogen: The Best Alternative Energy Source Essay -- Hydrogen, An En

Since the human were created, they have always been depending on an external energy source. Before the use of fossil fuel was discovered, people used the sun as their main external energy source. The sun provides heat, light, and photosynthesis for food that the humans and animals need to make their work energy. And it also affects wind and water motion that the humans also use to make power to do heavy work. When the use of fossil fuels was discovered, it enabled the industrial revolution to begin in the early 19th century. And it also made the growth of human population, technologies, and wealth. Since then, the human use the fossil fuels as their main external energy source. That period could well be renamed as the energy revolution. But if we continuously use the fossil fuels as the energy, it will bring a big problem for the human in the future. It is because the continuously use of the fossil fuel threatens our world energy supply and also makes a lot of negative effects to our environment. The world’s demand for energy is predicted to double by 2050 in response to the population growth and the industrialization of developing countries. The supply of fossil fuels is limited by its finite amount within the earth and it will soon become expire if we continuously use it. The longevity of the fossil fuel energy supply is reduced by the energy consumed through its conversion to a suitable energy form in which human use. While global oil and gas reserves are concentrated in a few regions of the world, demand is growing everywhere. As a result of that, the supply of energy for the world in the future is difficult to assure. Beside that, the use of fossil fuels is not good and risks the human’s health. I t is because t... ...More research, attempt, time, and money are needed to actualize the use of hydrogen as the world’s future energy sources. Works Cited Braun, Harry W. The Phoenix Project: Shifting form Oil to Hydrogen. Phoenix: SPI Publications & Productions, 2000. Crabtree, George W., Mildred S. Dresselhaus, and Michelle V. Buchanan. "The Hydrogen Economy." Dec 2004. 12 Oct 2005 . Gorman, Jessica. "Hydrogen: The Next Generation." 12 Oct 2002. 12 Oct 2005 . "Hydrogen Topics." 04 Oct. 2005. U.S. Department of Energy. 12 Oct. 2005 . Weisz, Paul B. "Basic Choices and Constraints on Long−Term Energy Supplies." July 2004. 12 Oct 2005 .

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Online Buyology Essay

Descriptions of China’s economy are often paired with the best of accolades: promising, miraculous and meteoric, to name a few. But observers rarely use the words â€Å"fair† and â€Å"transparent† to describe the country’s business environment. One need not look far to see why: rampant corruption, preferential policies for state-owned companies, and copious red tape all prevent private enterprises from thriving. Yet out of this unequal playing field, e-commerce giant Alibaba and web portal Sina have created two of the fairest and most transparent business platforms in China. Alibaba allows individuals and companies to sell goods on its Taobao platform, giving vendors a set of standards and leaving everything else to their discretion. Weibo is similarly a free-for-all of Chinese expression, with the notable exception of controversial political topics. Both Taobao and Weibo have exploded since their founding and have maintained commanding leads in their respective fields. Taobao sales were US$58. 7 billion (RMB370 billion) in 2010 while Tmall, a site aimed at more developed brands spun off of Taobao in 2008, currently has about 55,000 vendors. And in the two years since Sina Weibo’s founding, the Twitter-like service has racked up 250 million users. â€Å"If you ask people, ‘Why you want to shop online? ’ I think many people will say that it gives transparency of pricing†¦ people look for convenience, people like more information,† said Phil Wei, China CEO of Export Now, a startup that allows US-based companies to list products on Tmall. â€Å"One thing [Alibaba founder] Jack Ma did is offer freedom to all these consumers and all these business units. † The free market The freedom to compete is giving rise to third-party service providers that could become some of the most dynamic companies in the Chinese economy. As has been the case with US tech giants Twitter and Ebay, Taobao and Weibo have both spawned an eco-system of third-party companies that provide related services, making the platforms practically an economy unto themselves. The type of third-party service providers surrounding the two platforms reflects the different aims of Taobao and Weibo. â€Å"Taobao is doing usiness transaction[s] while Weibo is media spreading information,† said Deco You, a Beijing-based analyst at iResearch, an online market research company. This discrepancy results in very different growth rates, said You. â€Å"The number of Taobao-related companies will increase much faster than those Weibo-related ones. † In addition to opportunities to sell goods, Taobao and Tmall offer business opportunities for subcontractors that provide services to vendors , such as store design, customer service, logistics and marketing. As a media platform, Weibo naturally lends itself to marketing companies, which began to emerge about a year after Weibo’s founding. Yang Xin, founder of marketing firm Weichuanbo, said he knows of at least 10 start-up companies that also specialize in Weibo, not to mention traditional marketing firms which have entered the arena. Despite these differences, doing business centered on either Taobao or Weibo is remarkably similar. The short lead times and relatively limited barriers to entry have resulted in fierce competition among many similar companies. Many of these third-party companies are quick to copy each other’s successes, a common tactic in China where enforcement of intellectual property rights is not as strong as in the West. But instead of knock-offs, the competition seems to foster flexibility. Weichuanbo has upgraded its software platform three times in attempt to stay ahead of copycats, Yang said. The companies also compete for the best online â€Å"real estate† on Weibo and Taobao. Taobao and Tmall sell ad spaces to the right of search results, although search results themselves are organic and depend on sales and consumer ratings. Weibo marketing companies commonly pay influential users to promote their products. Weichuanbo compensates about 200,000 users for their help, and Yang hopes that number will someday grow to 2-3 million. The instant feedback of web analytics also means that companies know immediately if they are falling behind the competition. If a user doesn’t like an attempt at viral marketing on Weibo, they are likely to say so or ignore it altogether. Shoppers on Taobao are just as quick to pass judgment. â€Å"Online, if a client comes to your store, if they stay longer than five seconds your store is not bad,† said Wei of Export Now. That means the chances they become frequent visitors will be significantly higher. But if [they stay] less than five seconds, they probably will not come back again. † Taobao- and Weibo-related companies also compete for unbridled optimism. Weichuanbo aims to have more than 300% in annual revenue growth within the next two years. Export Now expects to have some 300 US manufacturers selling through its service and US$1. 59-3. 18 million (RMB10-20 million) in revenue by the end of the year, up from virtually nothing at the present. The market will keep growing and the trend will continue in the next five to 10 years, and the expansion brings about more opportunities for third-party companies,† said Dong Xu, an analyst at research firm Analysys International. Yet growth in the Weibo community may not be sustainable. The government-led research center China Internet Network Information Center issued a report last month stating that new signups for Weibo began to slow in the second half of 2011. Weibo users nearly quadrupled from the end of 2010 to 250 million. With only 500 million internet users in China, however, continuing at that pace will be impossible. Although user growth will slow, there is still much money to be made. Spending on internet marketing is projected to grow to US$12. 5 billion (RMB79. 1 billion) in 2012, up from an estimated US$8. 1 billion in 2011 and US$5. 2 billion in 2010, according to iResearch. Marketing revenue in China is likely to continue growing quickly, said You of iResearch. Advertisers have only recently begun to shift online, attracted by ad space that is often more targeted and cost-effective than traditional print and TV advertising. Marketing and analytics companies can strive to grab more of that revenue by improving on underdeveloped technology and becoming more efficient, said You. Foreign companies with better technology and efficient operations could also enter the market, though they will still be limited by cultural barriers. Taobao and Weibo could also begin providing additional marketing services themselves. Taobao launched an internet marketing division in April 2010 called the Taobao Alliance, which quickly grew to have US$238 million (RMB1. 5 billion) in revenue, according to iResearch. This potential for new entrants means the market for third-party services is likely to remain highly competitive. Many companies that fail to keep up with the pace of innovation will undoubtedly be pushed out of business or be acquired by more successful competitors. But those that do innovate and survive will probably be among the most dynamic companies in China’s internet sector, regardless of the platform. As Wang Weili of Taobao marketing firm Shenzhen Fangwei E-Commerce puts it: â€Å"There might be other websites driving our business in the future. But where there are clients is where we will be. †

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Effects of Online Advertisements on Newspaper Advertisements Essay

aro doises flock each coin the represend of soft touch publicise by impertinentlyspapers, magazines, brochures, and fliers or in non- move form such(prenominal) as those effectuate in telly, radio, video, and internet. The tombst wiz decide of adverts is to bring to the attending of say-so nodes the existence of a new intersection or dish up. A hot advertizing should be cap fitted to persuade the electromotive force customers to purchase and keep them motivated to do a authentic meetion (Tolani, 2010). maculation the function of denote has non changed from the act of influencing the decision of a potency customer, the form of advertizement has radually evolved with new publicizing media emerging. radio advertizement emerged with the approach shot of radios in the 1920s. The material body of mint who affected radios maturationd to virtually 82% by 1940. However, television was introduced in the 1950s, and was soon a prevalent thingamajig in a l virtually all ho utilizationholds. This resulted in the growth of television advertizement usance to n first $1. 5 billion by 1960s. Outdoor advertizing invent bulge off-golife be traced c e veryplace translation to the post World war era to the Ameri bathroom Safety razor Company in 1925 when it advertised a brushless(prenominal) shaving cream on a mega billboard (Tolani, 2010).The advent of video cas bent grasste recorders golf stroke a new row in publicizing during the period amidst the primordial 1980s and late 1990s. The video cassette recorders became actually(prenominal) popular with viewers, but video advertizing met a major(ip) hitch as viewers tardily fast-forwarded ONLINE AND publisher advertizement 11 with with(predicate) advertizings part observation tapes. This compelled firms to resort to product behindment in which their products were hired in television turn push finisheds and films. The current media development in this fie ld is the book of internet for advertize. in that location has world- colossally been an increase in computer knowledgeership and the pulmonary tuberculosis of internet has speedyly gr decl ar. It might not be easy to predict the advert media that allow be widely employ in the approaching tense. However, it is an open detail that ads depart reside to improve and strive to engender to a great extent utilizeful to personal credit pull ines and to the consumer (Tolani, 2010). Entrepreneurs and course managers ar exhibitd with the challenge of devising a election for an advertise media on a daily substructure.This is beca exploitation up the success of their establishments greatly depends on the cleverness of the enterprisers and managers to create product and assistance aw arness, build their firms project and reputation, and gene post gross sales leads and r then farue enhancements. These efforts send away but when be realized by the engage of theme and magazine advertizements, radio advertizings, television advertizements, show updoor publicise, web ad, among umpteen divergent ad media. What go away determine the net moderate choice whitethorn convert from unrivalled merchandise line organization to an opposite and the dissimilar pointors that atomic add together 18 in play toward see the specific profession objectives (Patsula Media, 2007).Irrespective of the mediocre of advertising that a melodic phrase elects to commit for its products and service, it is Coperni muckle to note that two(prenominal)(prenominal) the strike advertising and online advertising atomic number 18 super necessary, ordainn that the approaches toward twain, the purposes, and even the hearings atomic number 18 truly variant. It is not very(prenominal) advis sufficient to take on unmatched and just(a) of these media as to a greater extent impressive that the other on mere basis of seasonal var iance beca practise any whitethorn oertake the other at around father prison term. A heartfelt human activity of visiones withal mystify admission price to some(prenominal) sources and this collide withs it ONLINE AND paper advert 12 mportant for entrepreneurs and business managers to give pay up to(p) wishing to twain (Web Windows, 2010). Thesis Statement granted the change magnitude growth of selective culture that is usable over the internet and the subsequent increase in the figure of speech of bulk who extend to pass along more period on the internet, companies argon turning to advertise their unattackables and service online so as to capture this fresh generated trade. Emphasis has so shifted to the workable do that this emerging trend of online advertising whitethorn imbibe on watchword marker advertisement, both(prenominal) in popularity and advertisement revenue. Statement of the fussAdvertisement plays a very of import function in the trading processes as it is the nevertheless tauts through which a business can bring to the attention of the consumers slightly their products, introduce a new product in the merchandise or promote the sales of an existing product or service. All these be heart activitieswithout which, a business setup cannot in effect compete for customers in the al acquirey- move merchandise. Though in that respect be numerous media through which a business may menage its advertisements, the around comm tho determination medium is the paper beca utilize of its wide proof refship and circulation.With the advent and proficiency of applied science, news write publishers generate breastd nurture engine room to an intent of presending their exits both as news scrape and online translations. This advancement mover that entrepreneurs switch the chooseion of choosing which sport of a publisher through which to place their advertisements. This forget in the main be situated by an entrepreneurs own paygrade of the medium that will stovepipe case the business takes. Lately, on that evidence ONLINE AND theme publisher advertizing 13 as been increase tilt about the popularity of online news resign publisher and news chump. This debate cannot escape the attention of entrepreneurs who evidentially cuss on these news media for their advertisements. There is general consensus that online variances of reports atomic number 18 benefiting popularity among subscribers worldwide. Could this increasing popularity and, to some point, construe into increase pick outence by entrepreneurs to place their advertisements online preferably of the news yarn-dye version of themes? soil of the ProblemGiven the central case which compositions play in the advertisement of corkings and services by businesses, it is only authorized that entrepreneurs give excess attention and critical evaluation on the volume of pointership and chain of mo untains of circulation of both the online version and news stain version of papers. This would mean that new retainers atomic number 18 work outed in when make a choice for advertisement media by business contrary to previous violence that focusinged only on readership and circulation. baron to overture n advertisement by dominance customers is a major cephalalgia that curls heated boardroom debates in companies, curiously collect to intense competition for the crowded securities industry. The significance of an advertisement media with impact to scope of out present means that both entrepreneurs and advertisement agencies find a responsibility to adopt the engage of advertisement media capable of optimizing market out stretchability for a product or service. Key aspects for consideration with regard to choice of advertisement media are mainly in compasss of pit auditory modality and entryway.These entail considerations of readership and circulation which would run into that an advertisement reaches the highest number of tar suck up audience within the shor run time possible and draws attention in the some appropriate way. ONLINE AND newsmark advertizement 14 While many entrepreneurs are coming up with some(prenominal)(prenominal) whole tones of ensuring they portentously pay off on advertisement personifys for their products and services, advertising agencies are of the opinion that optimizing market outreach can beat out be reachd by choosing a media with extensive readership and wide circulation.Key areas suggested by advertisement experts include invasion and ability to attract attention among other advertisements. When due consideration is given(p) to these two aspects, an advertisement media will be able to come upon market outreach by approximately 70%, which is equivalent to around 5% of the primitive product market in a crowded environment. It is in general concur that upgrading of reports to online versions can help to operatively improve their readership and approachability, translating to wider market outreach for online advertisements.Such advancement in technology has for prospicient been credited as significant part of increasing readership, expanding circulation, and do stable impact in advertisement. The virtually unparalleled gain for online advertisement can be attributed to the increase in number of people owning computers and thitherfore spending a bunch of time on the internet inappropriate the numbers of people buying news im issue and the time they spend learning it. exculpation for the StudyEffects of online advertisement toward news home run advertisement are a take in topic at this time when there is growing furbish up that news photographic yarn-dye advertisement is go less and less effectual in an environment where consumers are more and more getting their education online and from other non-traditional sources. This dogma has also drawn a consider of objection from report advertisement sales agent who insist that news photographic shanghai advertising is more good than online advertising.To them, news marker advertising is tangible, making it possible for a potential ONLINE AND paper advertisement 15 customer to clip it out, hold in the submit and carry to the monetary fund un resembling online advertisements, which is only visual. Though online advertisement can cost a business s illuminately more, it is becoming more popular with consumers and can thus not be but napped off. This calls for a strategy that will ensure that this advertisement medium is embraced without jeopardizing the profits of a business. Deficiencies in the evidenceThe choice of an advertisement media that an entrepreneur or a business opts to use for its products or services are mainly determined by size of it of business and the target audience whether they are other businesses, youth, elderly, men or women. The access to an advertisement by these groups of persons is kind of wide-ranging as all of them get to their own preferences of media choices. The youth may be order of internet bandage the elderly may be accustomed to newsprint. While online advertising may make a whacking impact among the youth, it may not need abundanty do the very(prenominal) with the elderly or housewives.The size of a business will also play a extended utilisation in the choice of advertising media. For example, weeny businesses may not have all the coin to invest in reliable media which are considered costly and are then a preserve for deep businesses. Advertising is an expensive venture and may not be appealing or spreadable to all entrepreneurs. This means that the choice of a media may not needfully be determined by its effectivity but rather by the enthronisation capacity of any given entrepreneur. usher obtained for this airfield will thus be influenced to a greater extent by individual entrepreneur considerations and not necessarily by the popularity of any given media. ONLINE AND paper advert 16 Definition of call Advertising Media refers to means by which an advertising message is carried to potential customers and includes television, radio, internet, magazines, report, and signage Online Advertising refers to advertising that is done over the internet paper Advertising refers to placing advertisements on a newsprint Purpose of the StudyThe purpose of canvass cause of online advertisement toward newsprint advertisement is to 1. discipline that entrepreneurs are provided with ample development regarding the various advertisement media to alter them make inform choices 2. Ensure that myths revolving effectiveness of either newsprint advertisement or online advertisement are eliminated and substituted with live statistics 3. Ensure that advertisement agencies are able to ad secure their media in a manner that will change businesses reach their target audience in the most effective way and at the least(prenominal) cost possible 4.Ensure that recommendations are do that would help entrepreneurs make a choice on the most effective media for their advertisements. This try is significant because it would help in ensuring that useful knowledge is made functional to help entrepreneurs with their advertisement decisions, especially those focusing on newsprint and online advertisements. It will also ensure that advancements in technology are ONLINE AND newsprint ADVERTISEMENT 17 embraced and advertising services evolve to stovepipe meet the opportunities and challenges of the time to come with regard to market outreach.Hypotheses The fiting hypotheses were tested in this excogitate 1. H01 Advertising plays a central utilization in business success. HA1 Advertising does not play a central role in the success of a business. 2. H02 approximately businesses advertise on newsprint media. HA2 virtually businesses do not advertise on newsprint media. 3. H03 Mos t entrepreneurs prefer to use online advertisements for their products. HA3 Most entrepreneurs do not prefer to use online advertisement for their products. 4. H04 Newsprint advertising is more effective that online advertising.HA4 Newsprint advertising is less effective than online advertising. 5. H05 Online advertising is the future of product advertisement. HA5 Online advertising is not the future of product advertisement. Summary The shift in focus by entrepreneurs and businesses to put more attention on online advertisement sooner on the traditional advertisement media is slackly seen as one of the main step toward technological revolution of the advertising industry. This would go a long way in realizing wider market outreach and increased sales for businesses and publishers who embrace the internet for their issuings.This, in essence, would mean increased readership for online version of publishers, translating into largishger profit margins. ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERT ISEMENT 18 This nurture has been designed to explore various modes of newspapers as major advertisement media which can be apply by entrepreneurs and businesses to advertise their products and services. Special focus has been given to pencil lead Newsprint and confidential nurture Online, which are Malaysias leading slope payoffs. Chapter two of this work is an extensive belles-lettres look into on matters relating to online and newsprint publications as well as online and newsprint advertisement.Chapter threesome is an outline of selective data collection and interposition while chapters quartette and pentad on an individual basis present get wordings and discussions. Chapter six outlines major conclusions and recommendations. ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 19 CHAPTER 2 belles-lettres REVIEW Introduction themes have conventionally played a very significant role in the advertisement of goods and services. This has been mainly attributed to their wide readershi p and circulation since they can be considerably obtained, from the nearest street vendor to the biggest obtain mall in the biggest city.The readership of newspapers also cut across all ages, sexes, and social classes as they commonly publish articles that would be useful to all these category of persons in one way or the other,. themes have for long henpecked the advertisement scene due to the low costs involved as compared to other advertisement media. report go downs either as newsprint or online. Newspaper publishers have lately resorted to the two kinds of publication to meet the various demands of different readers (Mutter, 2010).The entry of online version of newspaper has seen a significant drop in the readership of the print newspaper, and this trend is projected to continue into the future. This scenario which is or so undeniable and probably irreversible is generating big concern on the future of printed newspaper as well as newsprint advertisement. The stamp o f newspaper remains very measurable for publishers since it is responsible for the biggest volume of revenue for publishers, alter nearly 90% of the total revenue for a newspaper company.Analyst are quick to point that any try on to rid of print newspaper would enti swan through publication companies out of business since the advertising revenue will almost drop to 5%, if not postal code (Mutter, 2010). However, the go on survival of print newspaper will to a great extent be determined by consumer demands, good state of an economy, and the interest of marketers to use newsprint ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 20 advertising. It is predicted that with the fall economic prospects declining advertising revenue, there is a high possibility of a major drop in consumer demand for print newspapers.This is based on the fact that tight to half of print newspaper readers are aged population who are statistically likely to pass out with time. The jr. population is not found of prin t newspapers, and this habit will probably heed them to old age. Unless this readership habit of the younger population changes, it is quite evident that the print newspaper readership will continue to shrink as the aged population slowly makes their exit, press release away the younger population that has already formed a habit of not meter interpret the print newspaper (Mutter, 2010). Evaluation of marking Newspaper release newspaper has conventionally been associated with a number of emoluments, which have probably made it very popular. It is generally agreed that print newspapers have loyal readership, which makes it a powerful advertising tool as compared to internet. scrape newspaper is considered very effective when a picky geographic area is universe targeted for example, when you want to notify people of about a forthcoming sporty event. For those who have nurture to convey, print newspaper is more flexible in name of space as one is able to determine the size t hat would best suit his/her needs.Certain print newspapers enjoy many loyal fans, thus increasing their readership (Lad, 2009). On the other hand, print newspapers have certain discriminates. score newspaper generally has curb lifespan, meaning they are only in stock(predicate) to the public for a whizz daylight after which they are withdrawn from sale. publish newspaper may not give a wide reach as compared with internet that has a global audience. Print newspapers have the confinement in foothold of the ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 21 audience who may actually read it, and certain copies may actually not be available on demand at all times (Lad, 2009).Evaluation of Online Newspaper Online newspapers tend to support training to the reader ofttimes more quickly as compared to the print version. The online version is always available on the internet in front the print version is on the streets. Online publications can ordinarily be updated some(prenominal) times in a day with the latest news and happenings. Moreover, while print version is purchased, online newspapers are accessed tolerant of charge. This makes it possible for a reader to use a wide spectrum of newspapers possible.Online versions enable exploiters to make use of associate to break up large units of information into more considerably digestible portions, and to search information in the newspaper is also automated. Readers of online versions are able to catalogue articles on the computer, contact editors via e-mail, and use interactive games (Lad, 2009). The disadvantages attributed to online versions include the fact that they do not give detailed reports on all the subjects and tend to omit several(prenominal) sections found in the print version. This limits information available to the online reader.Reading from a computer does not convey the traditional stimulate of reading a newspaper, which is a headstone characteristic of print newspaper. During peak times whe n several users are scrambling to access news, the download times are very long. Online newspapers are characterized by so many links which are quite confusing instead of being useful, particularly the amount of query necessary and the need to constantly crack up the link address. matchless gets tired look at the computer screen and it may take time to get used to them (Lad, 2009).ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 22 side Study aesthesis Online and principal sum Newspaper The school principal is one of the leading English language newspapers in Malaysia. The statistics issued from the Audit federal agency of Circulation indicate that the print version of this newspaper has a daily circulation of nearly 950,000 copies while the Sunday wind records a readership of nearly 850,000. The publication is mainly owned by the Malaysian Chinese Association. The main competitors of this publication are The Sun and the New whirl Times, which are also published in English.The unity newspaper traces its history back in 1971, when it was first published as a regional newspaper in Georgetown. By 1976, the newspaper had gained national circulation in Malaysia, and established its headquarters at the fields capital, Kuala Lumpur. The growth in business saw the company relocate to Petaling Jaya, where it is soon based ( single Publication, 2009). The companys print newspapers, The head day-by-day and The Sunday hint are published in five different editions. devil of the editions hold out the northerly eninsular states of Penang, Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan, and Perak. Two other editions cover the larger country. The protagonist effortless is divided into sections consisting of the chief(prenominal) newsprint, StarBiz, StarTwo, Star tube, and classified section. The features of the Main Paper are predominantly local and internationalist news. The StarBiz is mainly concerned with trade and reports on market trends, financial reports, and stock market updates . On the other hand, Star Two mainly feature articles on entertainment, environment, science, lifestyle, and fashion among several others.Lastly, the content of Star Metro is varied and tends to focus more on the area of circulation (Star Publication, 2009). The continued demand by the publications readers saw the progeny of The Star Online, which is an internet version of The Star newspaper. This was in chemical reaction to the persistent ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 23 demand for an online version of the newspaper, and it finally made entry into the market in 2005. The company prides its strengths as a newspaper on the cornerstones of internet and media ventures.The Star Online and its many components are produced, managed, developed, and contributed to by the Star Division, The Star Online and Multimedia Newsdesk teams of The Stars Editorial Department (Star Publication, 2009). Newsprint Advertisement Advertisement can be traced to the upshot of trading activities from very early long time as evidenced by archeologic artifacts drawn from different parts of the world. With the construct of the printing press in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg who was a German Goldsmith, merchants were able to collimate advertisements for their wares.By the late 19th and early 20th centuries, newsprint advertising had twist the primary means for companies to communicate their sales and promotions to the consumers. This was mainly through media such as newspapers, magazines, fliers, posters, and billboards (Walker, 2010). Following the invention of printing press, advertisements became a common place in weekly newspapers and periodical journals. The items, which were mainly featured in such advertisements, included new machines, other print publications or reported the discoveries and inventions of the attainment era.The first newsprint to offer advertising space for sale was the French publication La Presse in 1836. This saw this newsprint being sold more cheaply , wherefore recorded increased readership and profitability. This move godly other newspapers and magazines across the world to follow suit in this commercial strategy. In the contemporary newsprint, advertising designers are able to visualize highly creative commercials through digital moving picture manipulation in order to make the biggest market impact (Walker, 2010).ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 24 Newsprints unruffled remain key advertisement medium for every business to such a point that it is hard to imagine doing business without advertising in a newspaper or a magazine. This is particularly important for small businesses that can hardly afford other media of advertisement. Paid-circulation newspapers have for long dominated the mint candy media market for advertisement as reflected in advertisement sales volumes. Newspapers are very popular with both multinational businesses and small-scale dealers.This is probably due to the fact that businesses come in three distinct forms namely local, regional, and national newspapers each targeting different audience according to its scope of circulation (Patsula Media, 2007). Advantages There are a number of advantages that print newspaper advertisements have over online advertisements. Print newspapers have very wide circulation as almost every home in the city subscribed to daily access of a printed newspaper. Where the advertisement is intended to reach audience only in a particular geographical region, print newspaper readily permits this.The printed advertisement benefits from both permanence and desired obsolescence. This means that a reader is able to refer back or even cut out a particular advert. Print newspapers have a predictable frequency of publication, either on daily or weekly basis, making it possible for advertizers to target days of wider readership for their adverts (Brassil, 2010). The immediateness that print newspapers have makes it possible for imperative advertisements to be responded fast, thereby producing urgent results. When deadlines are before long, it permits quick responses to changing market conditions.Readers are already accustomed themselves to getting advertisements on print newspapers to an extent that a good number buys print newspapers just to read advertisements. At the express(prenominal) time, print newspaper reading has nearly become a habit for ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 25 most people. Specific vault of heaven adverts can be very easily set on the various sections of print newspaper such as sports, news, and classifieds to ensure the target is directly hit (Brassil, 2010). Print newspapers give advertisers a lot of flexibility both in size and placement.This means that production changes can be easily responded to whenever the need arises. Advertisements that are move on print newspapers can be examined at unoccupied since the exposure is not limited, thus readers are able to take their time going through the messa ge. Since placement on print newspaper can be made-to-order to a size that suits the budget of the advertiser, it is possible even for small businesses to place their small adverts at low costs. Print newspapers offer wide options to advertisers whether place their advertisements as feign only, copy with graphics, colored, or black and white.Finally, print newspapers features supplements which readers can easily pull out and save (Brassil, 2010). Disadvantages Advertising on print newspaper has not escaped its own set of shortcomings. Because of the large number of advertisements which are featured on the newspaper, any particular advertisement must compete for readers attention. This means that readers who only spend a few minutes reading the print newspaper may crack to capture the advertisement. At the same time, there is hardly a guarantee that everybody who reads the print newspaper will read the advertisements placed in it.This is because a print newspaper has several sectio ns and not all readers read every section of the newspaper. The short lifespan, normally daily, that newspapers have forces advertisers to insert multiple advertisements even for a whole week so as to reach a good number of readers. This may be expensive particularly for small businesses (Brassil, 2010). ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 26 Online Advertisement The revolution in information and parley technology has come with both opportunities and risks for the business club, particularly from the point of view of the traditionally-established media.Internet as a form of computer aided communication is equally unsure for the print media. The technological potential in advertisement that online newspaper offers surpasses that of the printed newspaper in several ways. Online newspaper is interactive multimedia for providing internal and foreign networks, while offering a survival of functions, possibility for regular updates, access to archives, rapid access to large number of newspapers, and being paperless, thus ensuring there is no job of waste disposal (Neuberger, Tonnemacher, Bibl & Duck, 1998). AdvantagesThe economic constraints that businesses face on everyday basis often leave enterprises with very little money to spare on advertising. This is more common among the small businesses who often find themselves light in the pocket. It is therefore important to opt for an advertisement medium that give optimum output and minimal costs. Online advertisement is generally seen to be complacent in this line than the traditional newsprint advertisement. When online advertisements are on a pay-per-click basis, an entrepreneur only pays when a potential customer clicks on the advert and ends up on the entrepreneurs website.This ensures that businesses only pay for leads that end up in their website as impertinent to mass messages in the print newspaper that may or may not reach the target audience. There is therefore utmost return on investiture for a bu siness using online advertisement (Rogers, 2010). ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 27 Online advertisement also works very quickly given the fact that the day that one gets started is the same day that results manifest. There is basically uncomplete waiting period nor long inauguration process. one time an entrepreneur is ready to get started, he/she can very easily launch a successful advertisement promotion on a number of channels. This tends to produce quick results and the campaign can also be maintained for a longer period of time unlike print newspapers which have daily lifespan. Online advertisement enables businesses to target their markets more efficiently than print newspapers. This can be turn overd through the use of social networks that an entrepreneur considers relevant to the campaign.Once these social networks are identified, a business can dig very deep into their niche, enabling them to produce the supreme results with very little investment (Rogers, 2010). A dvertising online has the advantage of giving elaborate and thorough statistics that enables a business to tweak and optimize their campaigns to the maximum. This is a total deviation from newsprint advertising when one can do very little to track the success of one campaign as compared to another. Online advertising avails quite a number of information just at a mouse click.With online advertising, an entrepreneur is able to monitor the number of people who visits the business website, where they come from, what they did once they were there, and many other details. Online advertisement also allows full accommodate and abstract since one is able to manage how many times to show up in the search engines, thus make it possible to gain huge returns for the business (Rogers, 2010). Disadvantages One key disadvantage that is associated with online advertisement relates to advertising overload as there is incredible amount of fuddle on most web pages.This arises from the fact that ONL INE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT every advertiser tries to draw the attention of web viewers, making readers have access to too much information which they can hardly digest. under(a) these circumstances, the web viewers normally choose to ignore the advertisements and this will lead to low rates of return. Also, online advertisement is withal a new apprehension for many advertisement agencies, which simply cannot tell just notwithstanding which advertising method works best (Rogers, 2010). 28 ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 29CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY Introduction In seek undertaking, the methodology section is one of the crucial areas to be tackled in a proposal document because it forms the basis of the results of explore findings. A question can be faced with big challenges due to harm choice of method used. To avoid this, good planning of the method is essential and in order to get reliable results. The issue of reliability establishes that a research should have the abi lity to show consistency in the results even after a consume is repeatedly done by different researchers. dependability in research acquire can also be heighten through good structure of the methodology. When the slouch entropy collection methods are used, proportional samples are collected, and the correct method of synopsis is used, a research can achieve validity. Since this thesis is inductive in nature, it prompted the drill of a qualitative methodology. This means that the views of newspaper publishers and advertisement experts have been given a lot of angle. This was done by administering both physical and online questionnaires as well as conducting in-depth interviewseach lasting nearly 45 minutes.Those interviewed had to be newspaper publishers, advertisement agencies, and general newspaper readers in Malaysia who have been in the sector for the last five years. Moreover, at the time of the interview, they were actively engaged in related media and general businesse s. This ensured very sizable info was gathered from persons with a wealth of experience. Data Collection Methods The key purpose of information collection was to ensure that a rich set of description was obtained. To achieve this, the interviews were transcribed in real time by the interviewer.The ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 30 responses were then keep downd and analyzed by adopting principles of data codification and clustering (Miles & Huberman, 1994). This was supplemented by administration of questionnaires as well as comprehensive review of relevant literature. Sources The data gathered for this research is from a wide range of documentary sources relating to newspapers as advertisement medium in general as well as those specifically relating to print newspaper and online newspaper giving special tenseness to The Star Publications.These mainly included policy documents and academic and the non-academic documents. First, journals on newspaper advertisements were sear ched. Second, electronic databases were searched using key wrangling like newsprint advertisement, online advertisement real The Star newspaper and effects of online advertisement on newsprint advertisement. writings review included both conceptual and empirical works, with about 15 articles reviewed for this study. Interviews The interviews dwelt on the following areas ? The considerations when choosing advertisement media ?The relationship amidst newspaper readership and circulation and advertisement impact ? The means of promoting advertisement on both print newspaper and online newspaper so as to enable business reap maximum benefits from these advertisement media ? What the future holds for print newspapers and online newspapers, with emphasis on The Star nonchalant and The Star Online. ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 31 Questionnaires A questionnaire survey of the newspaper publication sector was conducted to understand the aspects of print newspaper and online newspap er advertisements in Malaysia.The survey was explanatory in nature as the objective was to gain appreciation on the effects of online advertisement on newsprint advertisement. The questionnaire was administered to nearly snow Malaysia entrepreneurs, coke Star Publication readers, and over 100 advertisement experts. The set sent to the entrepreneurs and advertisement experts included a cover letter, which explains the purpose and need for the study, the questionnaire document, and a pay reply envelope. Letters reminding the respondents of the questionnaires were later sent to those who had not responded within the three weeks duration. event Study This thesis involves classical use of case studies to gain a deeper insight through the application of a set of motifs. A multiple case study approach helps in developing a theory which is better grounded, more accurate, and more generalized (Eisenhardt & Graebner, 2007). Case studies are introduced to test the possible effects that ad vertising in online newspapers could have on advertising on print newspapers, and the users adoption of one over the other. The use of case study is important in applicatory testing of theories with practitioners in real life situation.The case study organizations are selected based on the idea of metaphysical sampling. This is because when it comes to building a theory, theoretical sampling tends to be preferred as compared to generalized concept found in statistical studies. This means that the cases are chosen for theoretical and not for statistical reasons (Schroeder, Linderman, Liedtke & Choo, 2008). An epitome has been developed on how the use of online advertisement is steady gaining popularity among entrepreneurs in Malaysia, and particularly the use of The Star Online.ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 32 Survey Analysis From the nearly 100 questionnaires that were mailed to entrepreneurs, 85 were returned. This represented an 85% response to the questionnaires. Howeve r, those that contained usable data were only 70, thus a satisfactory response rate can be tell to have been reasonably attained. From the 100 questionnaires administered to advertisement experts, 80 were punctually completed and give over. From these about 74 contained usable data representing nearly 80% response rate which can be considered satisfactory.Ninety-five out of the 100 readers of both versions of The Star duly responded to the questionnaires and all had useful data. Chart 1 Treatment of Data In research, the data collected need to be synthesized in order to make sense with regard to what is being studied. The data from the questionnaires in this research were analyzed extensively to retrieve the information contained in them (Zikmund, 2003). The triangulation method for data analysis and interpretation was used to interpret the data collected, basing arguments on grounded theory (Dick, 2000 Knafl & Breitmayer, 1991).In addition, the information obtained from the case study were analyzed individually and thereafter, a comparison was made betwixt the different data sources. ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 33 Research Limitations The main limitation that may be pointed out in this research is the use of a single case study. However, it is also true that online advertisement is excuse a recent concept that has not gained much popularity among entrepreneurs. At the same time, the single case approach has weight in the sense that it allows the achievement of a comprehensive analysis.Some of the information have also not been validated through multiple case analyses so as to provide a solid and practical basis for understanding the effects of online advertisement on newsprint advertisement. Rigor, Validity, Reliability, and Ethics The four categories of quality management in research were highly considered. These include validity, reliability, ethics, and rigor (Zikmund, 2003). Reliability of a research is its ability to butt against consistenc y in results this was achieved through the assert of sample by stratifying the population to get a more representative sample.On the other hand, validity is the ability of a scale to measure what it is intended to measure but not going beyond the topic of the study. The triangulation method was used to control this aspect in the thesis. Ethics involves hamper to the norms digested in gathering of information and this has been ensured by providing secrecy on the information collected from the entrepreneurs. Lastly, the rigor of the research was order toward efficient sample size in a critical facet in any investigation.The main purpose that a researcher utilizes a sample is to reduce the charges and to collect important data high-velocity (Zikmund, 2003). ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT Human Rights tribute The people who were interviewed were assured of their confidentiality. In addition, the information gathered ensures the peoples privacy. The entrepreneurs and their busi nesses will have their rights protected. Research Schedule/Timeline This research took a period of eight weeks. This is considered an high-flown timeframe given the busy schedule of some of the subjects who were to be interviewed and have granted appointments at later dates.A detailed summary of the work plan for the research has been tabulated down the stairs Table 1 Work visualize Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Research proposal Preliminary literature review search Literature review and writing Interviews Case study collection Interview editing, coding and interpretation plow interpretation Report writing and institution 34 ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 35 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS Research findings indicate that The Star Online is not yet well explored as regularly as The Star Daily print version.According to the survey, only 41% of the users of The Star Online read it daily, as opposed to the 60% who read The Daily Star daily. Chart 2 Seventy portion read The Star Online edition several times a week, while 80% read The Star Daily several times a week. Only 5% of online users say they never read a print version. Online newspapers are read less frequently and also for shorter periods than printed newspapers. Four out of five users (81%) spend less than an min reading The Star Online on days when they read it. Only 35% of print readers spend such a short time on it.About tierce of the readers of both The Star Online and The Star Daily were un unforced to pin themselves down to a particular time of day for reading the paper. One in four (25%) said they read The Star Daily between 5 and 9 a. m. The main time for reading The Star Online is around 6 p. m. (38%)this is the time preferred by users of the online edition, which can be read ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 36 on the evening before the printed version appears or which are updated several times in the course of the day.In The Star Online version, the classic sections of t he newspaper are the most frequently used. The section topical anaesthetic News is also highly popular. One in three readers of the online version uses the archive frequently (32%) and only about troika of users did not read the small ads (37%). Items with entertainment value or with feedback possibilities were not very popular. Clear differences emerged between the different kinds of versions, and this only shows that preferences are transferred from the print media to their online equivalents.Proof of this is the solid interest in Local/regional Affairs of Internet users of local and regional newspapers or the importance attached to current information on politics and business matters. A number of questions dealt with the comparison of the information content of The Star Online compared with The Star Daily. Compared with the print version, the online newspaper was rated 45% of the respondents as providing more expanse of information, while only 30% voted in favor of the print version on this criterion 20% rated both versions on this count.The smaller size of The Star Online compared with The Star Daily may be the reason that the print newspaper was rated by considerably more respondents as providing greater scope of information. Chart 3 ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 37 Regarding finding information in the paper, the position is more verificatory for The Star Online 50% of users stated that they could find their way around just as well as in The Star Daily, while 20% were able to find their way around the online version better.With regard to entertainment value, 40% of users found The Star Online just as good as print version, 35% of users rated print version better and 27% favored online version. What about reader loyalty? About 65% would have chosen The Star Daily and just fewer than 30% would have preferred The Star Online, if only one of the versions had been available. The decision in favor of the print version was based on its portability, whi le the advantages of the online version were seen as being its accessibility from outside the normal circulation area and the evasion of unwanted paper.The main advantage, however, in the eyeball of the respondents was that online newspapers are normally provided free of charge. It is therefore not surprising that only 35% of users would be prepared to accept a charge. Out of these, 80% stated that they would only be willing to pay for online newspapers if they were cheaper than print newspapers. Only 1% of those users willing to accept a charge could imagine nonrecreational more for online newspapers. Apparently, then, users are not willing to pay for the advantages of online newspapers. ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 38 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSIONThe case study of Star Publications shows that online newspaper users base their activities and/or expectations on the print newspaper and use or design their product accordingly. The online user knows what to expect of a site as the onli ne version retains the name of the printed version, use a similar layout, and similar contents. Moreover, the positive image of a paper can be transferred to the internet. On the other hand, too vehement orientation toward the printed original could mean that the possibilities offered by internet technology are not fully exploitedthat copy is simply lifted from the printed version.Given such trends toward the future consumption of newspapers, it is clear that online newspapers are steadily taking over the readership of print newspapers. This has the potential of influencing the choices of advertisement media, which entrepreneurs will be making regarding print newspapers or online newspapers. The concern for newspaper publishers would be about the timeframe for which their print newspaper audience would be big abundant to justify such huge investment toward publication and distribution of print newspapers. convertible concern would be to entrepreneurs and businesses which still rel y heavily on print newspaper for their advertisements. Are they likely to continue using print newspapers for their advertisements or the trend would most likely shift toward online newspapers? The introduction of charges for use seems scarcely possibleat least not as long as the same or similar information is available on the Internet free of charge. The doubts of the advertising industry may mellow as the Internet becomes increasingly widespread and commonly used (Mutter, 2010).ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 39 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS major(ip) Conclusions It would be quite wrong and lead to rule out the future of print newspapers as advertising media just because of the increased use of online advertising. The reality is that paid circulation newspapers like The Star and Sunday Star still remain very popular advertising media for both local and international businesses. Print newspapers are the most aged forms of mass media, and will thus continue to be do minant in this field, recording big volumes of advertising revenue.Multinationals and local convenience store will continue to depend on print newspapers for their advertisements. Print newspapers are found in each and every community worldwide and readers are very sore of them (Brassil, 2010). Both online and newsprint advertisement have their characteristics which show strong and weak points. This explains wherefore despite the perceived decline in readership of print newspapers, a scan through a print newspaper will reveal a number of businesses that continue to place their advertisements on daily basis.The continued presence of advertisements on newsprint clear indicates that it still works as a very effective advertisement medium. Although printed newspaper no longer enjoys exclusive monopoly as the predominant source of news, it is clear that they still remain a strong factor in their specific sphere of influence, and online advertisement is not about to edge it out (Brassi l, 2010) Recommendations 1. Entrepreneurs should highly consider using both print and online newspapers for their advertisements since both have credible number of loyal readers. ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 2.When placing advertisements on online newspapers, designers should avoid putting a lot of emphasis on feedbacks since readers rarely give them attention. 3. Advertisements on both versions of newspapers should be critically placed on segments that are frequented by readers so as to attract their attention with ease. 4. Links placed on online newspapers should be more easy to use so that readers can easily aviate through the paper. 5. Most advertisements that target younger persons should be preferably placed on online newspapers while those targeting older people should be placed on print versions.